Gary Kwok-Shing CHENG
The Education University of Hong Kong
Dr. Gary Cheng is currently the Acting Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). Dr. Cheng's academic background is in computer science, but he has specialised in teaching Information Technology in education for over twelve years. With substantial years of work experience in Hong Kong academia, Dr. Cheng has built a wealth of knowledge and a network of support to unlock the potential of technology for teacher education. He has a proven track record of exploring and evaluating the use of emerging technologies to enhance teaching and learning. In recent years, Dr. Cheng has been actively involved in organising events and activities to promote STEM among children and adolescents (e.g. "STEM Competition in Smart Home Design", "STEAM Education: 3D Chinese Cultural Architectural Design Competition", and etc).
Using AI to support reflection, feedback and revision in EFL writing
Reflection, feedback and revision have received much attention in the literature on English as Foreign Language (EFL) writing due to their potential benefits to students. For example, reflection provides an opportunity for EFL students to review their English acquisition, raise awareness of their English learning progress and consider strategies for improving their English proficiency. Feedback can support EFL students in recognising their writing problems and developing their writing skills for future success. Revision can engage EFL students in exploring the nature of their problems and choosing appropriate strategies to modify their text for problem solving. Despite these potentials, there are challenges specifically related to evaluating a large number of reflective entries in a consistent manner, offering effective feedback leading to text improvement, as well as stimulating deep revision rather than surface editing. Artificial intelligence (AI) opens doors to address the challenges. In this talk, an AI approach to support reflection, feedback and revision will be described. Its impacts on the learning of EFL students will also be discussed.
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